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3.T-RUFFF Times of Newton County Texas
4. T-RUF Voting Group "filling the vacuum" of washed-up Dem. Pty!
Join the TVG to work with Republicans, not hate them! (Dem Bats w/out a Cave.)
True Responsibility, Unity, Fairness, Freedom, Fun for friends, family, faith, and the future. Plant more flowers.
Who better to work with the Republicans than TVG, the T-Ruf Voting Group!
The Democrat Party has become so caustic & dishonest that I as the senior representative of the TVG I hereby calls on all entities to cut funding of these anti-American groups. And I call on Americans to eject them from leadership a.s.a.p. Furthermore, I encourage you to consider bringing your talents and expertise into forming this new TVG to work with the Republicans for the good of this American homeland. Wave goodbye to the shameful politics of yesterday, greeting integrity again. While TVG don't jive with everything President Trump is doing, still I love him for getting 99% right, end of story. We Love President Trump around here. Welcome...
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401 S. Newton St., Newton Texas, Owner/Operator/Data Entry Earl E. Flowers Jr. You Can email, text, or call your ad Get a lot for your money here. 409--509--2003 whatever is convenient for you. If you like you can email me flowers@t-rufff.us You terminate your ad by emailing your username & password to: cancel@t-rufff.us. 90 days or you cancel first. A. Place Ad B.. Pay with Pay Pal C. Cancel Ad |
T-RUFFF, hi, my name is Earl E. Flowers Jr., I created T-RUFFF.us to be most helpful at very little cost...
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