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3--12--2024 Your post here at top until the next post comes in, removed at 14th day or you cancel ad before then. Business Ads $5, add $3 per picture. Other posts are $3,
Newton's Low Cost Advertiser "I FOUND SOMETHING" Posts are always free! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3-11-2025 - Stolen from County Road 2000 also known as Bon Wier Fire station Rd., or Dougharty Cemetary Rd. Red 1999 Dodge 4x4 and a 318 short block engine, also stolen is about 30 brand new caps, as well as a 16' aluminum boat. $500 reward for the return of the truck or arrest leading to property recovery. This truck was going to be my son's graduation gift, please help if you can. |
Alerts from the City & County of Newton Texas. Updated daily.
Newton County Texas
Jasper County Texas
Sabine County Texas
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